1118 Budapest, Törökugrató u. 6.+36 (1) 655-5222‬  info@starksolution.eu

Theft protection

When a notebook is stolen , the most painful for the user is losing their personal datas and work files. Of course the financial aspect of any incident it not the least , but a notebook can be replaced , but our files - especially if it is company confidential materials - only with difficulty, or not at all . Current solutions covers a very wide range,  from tracking softwares  - the ones that use the built-in camera and secretly sends pictures of the thief, while screen shots can be attached about the running applications – to the poison pill like - which makes the stolen laptop unable to boot, even after formatting it completly – solutions and all of them are very effective.



Hardware-based protection - the solution is able to detect the device theft or loss , and  prevents the use of the device and the data on it for other people . Once the computer logs on to the system after the theft , the data will become erasable, and the computer can be closed completly . Your able to lock your computer when it detects a certain number of password attempts , or if the the check-in time is longer than the  pre-set  standard. The IT department then  can reset the machine , once it is in the hands of authorized users .


Our Company

The main profile of Stark Solution Ltd. is designing and constructing virtualized systems, IT security solutions and online communication networks. Our skilled professional team is prepared to put  our customers ideas into reality.

